
Software - Error Trying to install superkarmaba

NuxIT - 12.10.2006, 10:40 Uhr
Titel: Error Trying to install superkarmaba
I got my Kanotix HDD install going but am getting this error when trying to install superkarmaa.
"checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!"

I've spent the last 4 hours trying to figure out how to fix this with no luck. I have all the necessary development packages it needs (gcc, c++, etc) but I get this error every time when running the ./configure command inside superkaramba folder. I went and found the XFree86-devel .RPM and converted it over to .deb using alien. I then installed XFree86 and tried to install super again. Same error! Aghh. Any help appreciated. I really want to see this application!!
Armin - 12.10.2006, 11:12 Uhr
# apt-get update
# apt-get install superkaramba

DeepDayze - 12.10.2006, 14:42 Uhr
Best NOT to try installing programs from source on a Debian or Kanotix system as it can possibly b0rk things
craigevil - 12.10.2006, 16:53 Uhr
superkaramba is part of KDE and is in the normal Debian repos.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install superkaramba
piper - 12.10.2006, 17:05 Uhr
Why would you install XFree86 ? A massive downgrade.

Using the prefered method of apt-get or using synaptic (to install superkarmaba) would have worked just fine Winken
slh - 12.10.2006, 19:15 Uhr
Given the state your system is supposed to have endured, a clean sheets reinstall and some reading regarding debian system administration and apt might be in order.
NuxIT - 13.10.2006, 01:19 Uhr
Hey Guys. Thanks a TON for these suggestions!! I really appreciate your input. I've really grown to like Debian Distros ever since loading Knoppix on my old laptop. This Kanotix is GREAT so far on my stand alone PII 450 system. I need to read up on the debian adminitration as suggested. I'll try your suggestions to get my system dialed in right. I didn't realize that XFree86 was a step back. I'll probably start over again with a fresh install. Thanks again.
DeepDayze - 13.10.2006, 01:43 Uhr
Its a good thing to always check to see if a desired program is in the Debian repo first by trying to apt-get install it...can save a LOT of headaches from the get-go. feel free to ask here if you have any questions about a particular app...we all are here to help Smilie
NuxIT - 13.10.2006, 02:13 Uhr
DeepDayze hat folgendes geschrieben::
Its a good thing to always check to see if a desired program is in the Debian repo first by trying to apt-get install it...can save a LOT of headaches from the get-go. feel free to ask here if you have any questions about a particular app...we all are here to help Smilie

Thanks a LOT DeepDayze! I appreciate the info. I'm still a linux newb I guess but I'm decent on the command line and with ssh and stuff. I've nearly converted all my machines (Even my main rig) to some sort of linux distro and really like the freedom linux provides. It's just tough to get "stuff" working sometimes. At least this gave me another quick crash-course in converting .rpm's to .deb packages. I'll be sure to try the apt-get from now on. I knew about the apt-get but when I ran that on an old Knoppix install in borked it up quite bad. I guess that was because Knoppix is a mix-match OS.I just ran an apt-get update on my Kanotix box while ssh'd in and all "seems" to have gone well?
NuxIT - 13.10.2006, 06:25 Uhr
craigevil hat folgendes geschrieben::
superkaramba is part of KDE and is in the normal Debian repos.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install superkaramba

Well, running these two commands while I was ssh'd in loaded Karamba correctly. I can now use this tool!! Thanks a lot!!
I don't see any reason to reload my system since it seems to be fine. I didn't notice any errors or anything while booting up so I guess it's ok. Did installing XFree86 mess anything up you think? What is XFree86? A X windows environment or something? Thanks again. Time to mess with some themes. Sehr glücklich

EDIT, that was short lived. I just realized my admin password got borked up big time! It's strange. I ran the update while SSH'd in and everything seemed good. I rebooted when I got home and messed around with karamba a bit. Then I went to open package manager (Adept) and it prompts me for my root PW. I put my PW in and it no longer recognizes my PW! Any idea what went wrong? I can change to root just fine in the shell. I even ran a passwd reset to no avail. Any ideas? Time for a reload already? TBH
devil - 13.10.2006, 07:00 Uhr
it is, but its way old. you should listen to slh and reinstall clean.
here is a fine link for reading on debian:

NuxIT - 13.10.2006, 07:11 Uhr
devil hat folgendes geschrieben::
it is, but its way old. you should listen to slh and reinstall clean.
here is a fine link for reading on debian:


Hey thanks for the link. I ran this command from another thread. This same thing happened to someone else. After running this I'm now able to use root password on utilities like Adept.
apt-get update
apt-get install kdebase

Either way, I'm doing a fresh install now just to be same. I guess I should read up. Actually, my load seems to be running quite well.. I've decided to just keep it for now since I got my root working again. Thanks everyone. I don't think the XFree86-devel got loaded correctly anyways. Pretty sure it's not mucking stuff up. Time will tell. Kanotix is very cool.
NuxIT - 13.10.2006, 10:44 Uhr
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::
Why would you install XFree86 ? A massive downgrade.

Using the prefered method of apt-get or using synaptic (to install superkarmaba) would have worked just fine Winken

Shouldn't I just be able to remove the XFree86-devel package using adept? I searched for it and I see it as installed. Does anyone else show this when they search for it in Adept? Thaanks.
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