
Software - I can't hide Azureus warning messages

vilde - 06.05.2006, 22:06 Uhr
Titel: I can't hide Azureus warning messages
Sometimes if there is somthing wrong Azureus shows a Warning message in the right corner of the screen. There is a "hide" button to take away the message but nothing happens when I try to hide. The mesage(s) don't dissapear until I restart Azureus
zonker666 - 24.06.2006, 22:05 Uhr
Titel: RE: I can
yep have the same problem here, searched quite a lot of forums for a solution but didnt find any. Many ppl have tis problem though. If you choosed to have az minimise to tray just move the panel to the top or side to get to the az-icon to close it, otherwise youll start the next session with yet another error message that you cannot get rid of
makke - 24.06.2006, 22:56 Uhr
Titel: RE: I can
try latest snaptshot
http://torrents.aelitis.com:88/files/Az ... 03-B46.jar
should fix the problem
vilde - 28.06.2006, 20:14 Uhr
Titel: RE: I can
"try latest snaptshot
http://torrents.aelitis.com:88/files/Az ... 03-B46.jar
should fix the problem"

It worked, thanks makke
max11max - 02.07.2006, 01:16 Uhr
Hi makke,

I have the same problem with Azureus, I have the file you posted but me being a newbie I have no idea what to do with it?

I unpacked it to my home dir /home/max/Azureus2403-B46

now what ?

any help apreciated

zonker666 - 04.07.2006, 13:31 Uhr
make a backup of /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar and replace it with the file from snapshot. It worked for me.
vilde - 05.07.2006, 10:19 Uhr
According to Azureus you shall rename the Azureus beta file in this case Azureus2403-B46.jar to Azureus2.jar and replace the old file in your Azureus map.
It works for me and there is also a newer beta now than the B46 one
max11max - 11.07.2006, 14:11 Uhr
Hey thanks guys, I guess I should have done some digging before posting.

Next time I'll put my brain in gear before the finger motion Smilie

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