
Software - KDE control center

janci - 11.06.2006, 09:02 Uhr
Titel: KDE control center
I just installed Kanotix to a HD and than I reorganized KDE Menu (just created some submenus and moved applications I need into them). I moved the rest to another submenu. After I updated the menu settings submenu I created dissapeared and so did links ... Easy to fix but the problem is that now whatever I do the control center doesn't show me anything at all. See the snapshot... http://ifmsa.mysteria.cz/snapshot1.jpg
Got an idea?
nemesis - 11.06.2006, 10:51 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center
Try apt-get install --reinstall kdebase-data
hubi - 11.06.2006, 11:22 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center
The problem might be, that janci has a very old system, so he might not be able to repair it through Sid.

I would recommend first going to init 3:

Login as root
# init 3
# cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
# ls kdebase-data*

There might be a kdebase-data listed like kdebase-data_4%3a3.4.x-x_all.deb

Janci could then try:
dpkg -i --force-confmiss --force-confnew /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-data_4%3a3.4.x-x_all.deb

"x" should be replaced by the actual numbers of his used release.

If that does not help, I would recommend upgrading to kanotix-2006-easter-rc4. If he would like to have a recent Linux like Kanotix, it might be the simplest way and definitely worth the effort.

Kanotix "stable releases" refer to the Live-CD, an installed and up2date installation is moving all the time. My 2005-04 installations are e.g. now far ahead of the easter-rc4. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Janci, I wish you success, Kanotix is worth the effort,
hubi - 11.06.2006, 11:38 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center

just looked at your screenshot again. Create a user, never ever be root for normal tasks. This is purgatory in XP, hell in Linux and Unix. You will never miss not being root, and if you have to be root, a very convenient dialogue-box pops up.

If you mess sth up as user, well, the worst is: create a new user accout. If you mess sth up as root: you might kill your installation beyond ability of repair.

So: your problem might be solved by just creating a user account. The KDE-controlcenter looks like that on one of my boxes (note, my user account is not root, and the NSA is very happy Smilie).



edit: finished a broken sentence Winken
janci - 11.06.2006, 12:13 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center
Thanx for your advices... I created user account during the install and I don't use root for normal tasks, I was going to update the fresh install but I like to have it my way also on the root. So before I started update I wanted to organize everything in root. The user account works fine, everything is there. I'm not going to change anything in there untill I solve the root problem...
I was logged in as a root cause everywhere is written "install and update as a root...."
hubi - 11.06.2006, 13:18 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center

sorry, but I just do not comprehend why you are using X or KDE as root at all. dist-upgrading should only be done in init 3 (no X, no KDE) if you do not want to experience avoidable serious troubles, and dist-upgrading a probable 2005-04 is a tough task by now anyway. Why not considering a CD-upgrade with easter-rc4 and then a dist-upgrade?

Maybe there are people here being able to help you, but I just do not know anyone doing it "your way".

h2 - 11.06.2006, 19:05 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center

I was logged in as a root cause everywhere is written "install and update as a root...."

I can see how you made this mistake, since when you login with gui to kde, you have two options: your username(s) and 'root'.

However, that is NOT the root that is meant when people say 'login as root'.

Unfortunately, the better people get at linux, the more they tend to assume that new linux users will know the basics. Since the basics are not part of our genetic programming, that's an incorrect assumption, but it happens anyway.

So to be clear: when the term 'login as root' is referred to, it means that you switch user in console, or in run level 3.

The process to actually login as root in init 3 [can be init 5 too, but avoid that as a rule] is this:


The process to login as root in console, or to switch from normal user in full console mode to root user, is this
prompt]<root password>

hopefully that's clear now.

What is never meant by 'login as root' is that you actually, well, login as root in kde, using the initial gui login window. Obviously this could get confusing to new users, since what could be more natural than logging in as root in kde when people tell you to login as root?
hubi - 11.06.2006, 20:09 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center

I'm getting the picture. So it was no sux and then kcontrol. There might be a messed up /root/.kde.

Janci, there might be an easy fix (don't type the #, it just indicates that you are root in the shell):
su -
# mv /root/.kde /root/.kde.messed
# exit

Still: dist-upgrading a 2005-04 is a heck of a task, even for acquainted Linux-users.

h2 - 12.06.2006, 23:15 Uhr
Titel: RE: KDE control center
dist-upgrading a 2005-04 is a heck of a task, even for acquainted Linux-users.

but it's easier if you use my kanotix 2005-4 upgrade script.

Now autodetects kernel version and installs latest stable current kernel and will not allow you to proceed unless you upgrade the original 2005-4 kernel, which doesn't work with the new hal stuff, or something in there, can't remember exactly.
hubi - 12.06.2006, 23:36 Uhr
Titel: Re: RE: KDE control center
h2 hat folgendes geschrieben::
dist-upgrading a 2005-04 is a heck of a task, even for acquainted Linux-users.

but it's easier if you use my kanotix 2005-4 upgrade script


Wow! Didn't know that one.

janci - 15.06.2006, 22:02 Uhr
Titel: Everything solved...
After I performed upgrade and dist-upgrade (I had some difficulties with xorg being unistalled) everything works fine... Just kdm could load a little bit faster (it takes cca 30s)...And now I'm trying to solve a small problem with IM client... I'll post it somewhere else on the forum...
Thanx again...
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