
Anything goes - Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?

mzilikazi - 18.06.2006, 05:59 Uhr
Titel: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
Well maybe.....


We'll see how it works out I suppose.
t-bone - 18.06.2006, 06:53 Uhr
Titel: RE: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
That sure sounds interesting!
slam - 18.06.2006, 08:25 Uhr
Titel: RE: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
Well, actually the idea is not new. Although the mentioned "overhead of a running Wine server" sounds like a huge thing, it actually is not. If you followed the recent release of Google Picasa for Linux you will see that meanwhile it is easy to to package a Windows App together with necessary Libs and parts of Wine as a stand alone application for Linux - without the need of an extra installed/configured Wine.
I don't see any technical reason why a "converter" would do a better job than the very well developed Wine project.
I would be much more interested in promoting open source development for Linux versions of such applications - that would be really valuable for both, the software companies and us Linux users.
kb0hae - 18.06.2006, 08:55 Uhr
Titel: RE: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
I agree that apps written for Linux would be best, but some apps that are use by only a small number of users or some specialty apps may never have a Linux app written. Like the one to program my handheld ham radio (a Kenwood). I can access the radio in Linux via a serial terminal program, but the radio commands are cumbersome when trying to program the radio's 200 memories. The windows app to program this radio will run under Wine, but it can't access the serial port.

For such apps, further development of Wine, or a way to convert the app to a Linux app may be the only hope. If I was a programer, I could probably write such a simple app as the one mentioned above. I did do some programming in Basic (many years ago) but I nnever got very good at it.

hubi - 18.06.2006, 10:56 Uhr
Titel: RE: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
From wine to alky? Sounds terrifying in German. "AL-KEEE" is in German slang an alcoholic. Mr. Green

nemesis - 18.06.2006, 16:41 Uhr
Titel: RE: Convert a Windows Executable to a MacOS X, Linux Binary?
When I first ran across this a couple weeks ago, at a glance I thought it was refering to alcoholics too...
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