
Software - Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?

max11max - 11.07.2006, 13:54 Uhr
Titel: Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?
A few days ago I upgraded to Amarok 1.4.1 now when I play mp3's I get an error every track, It seems to be connected with whatever scrip selector is highlighted. I get the same error if I attempt to run any scripts.
"The script 'Lyrc' exited with error code: 127"

Click on "Details"
/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory

Can't find anything on the Amarok site so I did a search in Google and found a posting on the ubuntu forum about installing Ruby again.

I attempted this using Adept but it said it can't do that as it would break some packages.

Anyone know how I can do to resolve this issue?

devil - 11.07.2006, 14:44 Uhr
Titel: Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?
apt-get update && apt-get install ruby
watch out for stuff beeing removed.
and forget about adept.

senfi - 11.07.2006, 14:49 Uhr
Titel: RE: Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?
got the same problem. try to install the packages ruby and ruby1.8
apt-get install ruby ruby1.8

only one of them is essential, but cant remember which one...
max11max - 11.07.2006, 15:05 Uhr
Titel: RE: Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?
Devil to the rescue AGAIN,

Thanks fella,

max11max - 11.07.2006, 15:51 Uhr
Titel: RE: Amarok / Script / Ruby error ?
@devil, no problems; it worked a treat.

@senfi, thanks for posting. I used the commands in devils posting and it installed both packages so there must be a dependency in there.

Thanks again

mylo - 11.07.2006, 21:00 Uhr
hatten wir doch schon besprochen

http://www.kanotix.com/index.php?name=P ... highlight=

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