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Titel: Kanotix-Excalibur.iso and Kanotix-Excalibur-KDE4  BeitragVerfasst am: 03.08.2009, 22:27 Uhr

Anmeldung: 01. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1588
Wohnort: Kraichgau
Hints to Kanotix-Excalibur

After the release of Debian 5, Kano gave instructions to update Thorhammer to Lenny and Excalibur sources. Meanwhile this is outdated and not really necessary.
You can install a Kanotix-Excalibur or Excalibur-kde4 iso (Kanotix and Kanotix64) in a few minutes. We have a Howto to install Kanotix-Excalibur in the wiki - (in German but with images Winken ): Kanotix-Excalibur installieren

During the last months Kano himself (sic !) and the community had often invited the users to
join the IRC and ask Kano for the - hidden -link to the Excalibur.isos

Unlike Thorhammer there is not the "one and valid" version of Kanotix-Excalibur. There were built several Excalibur.isos from the current Excalibur- and Debian-stable sources, to meet the requirements of different, older or modern hardware.
Number and variety of the isos are often changing.

Besides the now published Excalibur-Preview Release, there are currently a number of isos with the kernel 2.6.31 and 2.6.32. Also the Excalibur.isos with updated kernel 2.6.28. They are are available as a 32- and 64-Bit.iso, some of them a 2in1.iso with both versions.

Compared to the hidden "iso-link" the "Excalibur"-repository was public all the time and you can see the newest packages and kernels. Winken
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