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Titel: install nvidia graphic driver  BeitragVerfasst am: 08.06.2010, 23:41 Uhr

Anmeldung: 15. Mar 2008
Beiträge: 610

To install the propritary 3D nvidia graphic driver you have to do the following steps

1. update the install script, if you have internet connection otherwise use the existing script
to update log into a shell as root and type
2. next switch to terminal 1 with the shortcut
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + [F1]
3. log in as user root
4. start the install script for Kanotix Hellfire via
screen install-nvidia-debian.sh

for Kanotix Excalibur via

to see additional options (e.g. for twinview/dualhead) use the help via
install-nvidia-debian.sh -h
or visit the IRC for help

Lenovo ThinkPad X220 | Core i7-2640M 16GB | Hellfire 3.6
FSC Tablet T4220 | Core2 Duo T7250 2GHz 3GB | Intel GMA X3100 | Hellfire 3.6
Clevo M570U | Core2 T7200 2GHz 2GB | Geforce Go 7950gtx | Hellfire 3.2
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