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Titel: Kanotix Lightweight version for older machines?
Verfasst am: 08.02.2008, 04:49 Uhr
Anmeldung: 03. Sep 2005
Beiträge: 13
Wohnort: Denver, Co
I have been using Kanotix for the last couple of years, but I would be quite interested on a small version ( I love the hardware detection you have here...simply amazing), My request comes from : I rebuild old computers as a hobby and then give them away to people who needs them ( free as in free beer) lately I have come across a batch of old pentium 1 of 166 mhz with 128 MB of ram, I canibalized some parts and have three good ones ( 15 inch monitor, keyboard and mice), I want to install Kanotix on them, could it be possible to make a "light" version for them?
Can it be possible to install Kanotix ( regular flavor) on them?, if so, will they be slow?....the minimum requirements ask for:
Kanotix is optimized for the i586 architecture and therefore not appropriate for older CPUs. Your system should possess at least 128 MB of RAM but 256 MB are recommended.
Thanks for the good stuff! |
_________________ Ad Maiorem Dementia Gloriam
Titel: Kanotix Lightweight version for older machines?
Verfasst am: 08.02.2008, 13:11 Uhr
Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 16791
Best get rid of the old system as long as you don't have to pay for disposal. Usually 192 MB are minium now - 128 will boot but you can not start huger apps without swap partition (you could try desktop=icewm). The hw detection is for general pcs pretty much at the same level in current distributions only specific parts have workarounds here. Most of it is done by udev alone and that is standard. |
Titel: Kanotix Lightweight version for older machines?
Verfasst am: 08.02.2008, 15:27 Uhr
Anmeldung: 22. Mai 2007
Beiträge: 313
Wohnort: GP
icewm i tried it too, because i lost 256MB-Ram so i had to work with 256-MB-RAM
Kde was very slow - IceWM is a little buggy i think - the Terminal window showed me as it worked only white lines -
but xcfe4 might be a solution?? |
Titel: Kanotix Lightweight version for older machines?
Verfasst am: 08.02.2008, 19:09 Uhr
Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 16791
You can install whatever you want. But don't think I preinstall that for live usage. It does not matter how many apps are preinstalled which you don't run, as long as you don't start em they only need a bit hd space. |
Verfasst am: 20.06.2011, 10:54 Uhr
Anmeldung: 05. Apr 2011
Beiträge: 79
Wohnort: Norway
Hi there Loco-S
for old machines you use antiX
hw detection almost as good as Kanotix because of the mepis kernel and very lightweight, very intelligent software choice, good setup of icewm or fluxbox
(old thread but antiX not Kanotix is the answer for old machines) |
Titel: Damn Small Linux
Verfasst am: 23.06.2011, 17:29 Uhr
Anmeldung: 09. Mai 2011
Beiträge: 74
Have to use my clapped-out old m/c (64Mb, no h/d) to print. New one has only USB connection. Used latest Kanotix to set up DSL. Printing works a treat and seems to be even faster than old Kix when pc was fully fledged system! |
Titel: RE: Damn Small Linux
Verfasst am: 23.06.2011, 22:04 Uhr
Anmeldung: 05. Apr 2011
Beiträge: 79
Wohnort: Norway
Can you run KDE 4 on 64 mb of ram??
I have a 128mb pentium 700mhz laptop, it's slow enough running a stripped down antiX: no login manager, openbox with no icons. but usable. reasonable speed is a priority for me.
i also have a parallel port printer, Oki ML 280 dot matrix on my 2nd desktop. p4 3ghz, luckily has parallel port. prints text ok and the ribbon costs practically nothing. |